Apple is very concerned about the security of its devices. The iPhone is still by far the most secure smartphone on the market today. This is not to say that the answer to the question, “Can iPhone get virus or malware from outside sources?” is indeed an unquestionable “no.”

It is important to remember that no regardless of how secure the platform is, there will always be some exploitable flaws. Malware, also known as malicious software, can be spread through compromised websites, emails, and third-party applications. Malware is typically associated with PCs and Windows devices, but it has been discovered that it can also affect Macs, iPads, iPhones, and other Apple devices.
If you were wondering can iPhones get viruses, It turns out that viruses can infect iPhones, but only if certain conditions are met. The chances of ordinary iPhone users becoming infected with a virus are slim to none. The iPhone’s operating system is not designed to facilitate virus infection in the same way that a Windows or Android operating system is but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
Even if you do not jailbreak your iOS device, despite Apple’s strict control, the App Store cannot always prevent malicious apps from infiltrating your device. Hackers can find other ways to compromise it. One method used by hackers to spread malware is to trick iPhone users into downloading free versions of apps that they would otherwise have to pay for.
Can iPhones get viruses? So the sort of answer to that question is Yes your iPhone can actually be infected by a virus but don’t panic because in many ways it’s unlike the viruses you would equate to a pc virus it’s not the same thing so how can your phone get infected and what should you look for and what exactly can you do if you fall victim to a virus!
Can iPhones get viruses after reading this informative article? No, they won’t be able to touch your iPhone’s data.

1. Why Viruses in iPhones are Unheard of?
Now as mentioned above this one’s a little bit more uncommon about the question “Can iPhones get viruses?” is because apple actually has some digital security safeguards built into their ios system to prevent any kind of malicious software or spyware or suspicious apps or third-party apps from getting into their iOS devices but it’s not a hundred per cent. For everyday user who does work stuff on their phone, play games do photography, do photo and video editing, and uses communication apps, these people will never be facing the troubles caused by viruses because of apple’s operating system.
Can iPhones get viruses to a person who uses their device as described above? No, there are no chances for viruses to enter your device.

2. Reasons behind Getting Viruses
We’re going to talk about all that, so one of the first things to talk about is exactly how your iPhone can get infected by a virus and it can happen one of three ways the first way is actually if you jailbreak your iPhone operating system and what jailbreaking basically is you’re circumventing apple’s built-in security systems.
So you can download apps that are not in the official app store itself and by doing so you can make your iPhone susceptible to malware apps of some kind the other thing you can do is actually install apps from websites and yes you can still install apps from malicious websites without jailbreaking your ios devices and again by circumventing the Apple app store you open yourself up to the malicious app and malicious websites we spoke about earlier and the least common one but it still happens is by clicking on any links or going to any virtual private network websites that auto-download iPhone viruses directly into your ios device.
The most dangerous threat that users face is from software downloaded from the app store that grabs more data than the user would prefer, and, interestingly, the user frequently gives approval through the terms and conditions, accepting that additional data is being taken.
Can iPhones get viruses with the use of official App store apps? There are very less chances only then when an app is requesting your data without your knowledge.

Read app reviews and pay attention to the terms and conditions you’re agreeing to avoid this. The most common offenders are free apps.
So if you’re doing using some unfamiliar apps or some unsafe things and downloading apps directly into your iPhone you’re putting your data at risk like you know what they say the biggest vulnerability to any system is the iPhone users so exactly what kind of malicious software/ iPhone virus should you actually be worried about, what kind of malicious files can your iPhone actually get.
One of the first ones is going to be spyware and spyware is basically just a hacker being able to see everything and steal data from you, he can see what you do on your iPhone and can see see the communications back and forth via text messages and emails you can also see some keystrokes it can basically just watch everything you do on the iPhone and collect that information and use it for malicious reasons.
The other thing is injecting malware directly into your iPhone and what malware does is it basically just hijacks your browser sessions so if you’re planning on going to a specific website they can redirect you to basically any website they want and by doing that they can lead you to a phishing website that’s sole purpose is to get you to input your sensitive data so they can grab that sensitive data and again use it for malicious reasons.
Now again as the iOS operating system is a very closed system and a very secure system so it’s very unlikely that your iPhone is going to be hacked or infected with a malicious link or iPhone virus as long as you’re doing everything as per apple’s latest security updates the right way.
Can iPhones get viruses without jailbreaking your device? This will be the rarest of the rare case because of the very secure system of iOS.
3. Identifying Viruses & Malicious Apps
Now let’s say you do believe you have a virus in your iPhone what exactly should you be looking for are some of the warning signs that your iPhone may be compromised in some way such as phone overheating, stealing data, strange apps, crashing apps regularly.
Are you concerned that your iPhone may contain malicious software? Keep an eye out for a sudden increase in your phone’s data usage that cannot be understood by your normal iPhone usage. And, if nothing else, keeping an eye on your data usage is common sense.
Well identifying virus on your iPhone is easy it’s going to be anything that’s out of the ordinary on your iPhone itself so if your iPhone is just not operating the way it normally does if you’re seeing freezing if you’re seeing slowness going in and out of applications if you’re seeing applications not launching right shutting down restarting or even applications using just a massive amount of data well more data than they normally use.
Anyway or even if you see your browser sessions being hijacked if you put in a website and redirects you to another website or you’re seeing pop-ups or ads or things like that just popping up on your device that doesn’t normally come up then there may be an indication that your device is compromised or has some kind of virus or might have an adware installed of some kind.
Viruses consume a lot of power, causing your device’s battery to drain faster. As a result, if you notice your iPhone’s battery draining quickly, you should also check to see if your device is infected with a virus.
So, your next question might be going to be if you are compromised in any way what are the next steps you can take to kind of clean out your device.
Can iPhones get viruses without the knowledge of the user? Yes, most of the viruses don’t show their existence on the device but work in the background.

4. How to Get Rid of iPhone Viruses
Fortunately, there are some things you can actually do to make sure your iPhone is much more secure so believe it or not one of the first things that are always suggested is for you to turn on your airplane mode and what airplane mode does is basically kills all the connections on your device itself. It’s not like that someone is directly connected to your phone but if you feel your phone is compromised then it won’t cost anything to turn your iPhone’s airplane mode on and reset all those connections.
So then your next step is to check if there are any updates available for your iPhone go ahead and check your settings app > General > Software Update and if available install those updates. Updates are actually pretty cool when it comes to compromised devices because what they do is install and reset basically everything in your phone and they even do a reboot on the phone itself which is extremely valuable when you want to update your system and make sure it’s secure.
So the next thing you want to do is if you’re having problems with a specific application or it is happening when you’ve installed a specific application go ahead and delete that app and then reboot your iPhone and see if your iPhone starts functioning as normal as it used to work it could be the application that’s causing the problem.
Can iPhones get viruses with the use of unknown applications? Yes, it can!

5. How to Clean Browser Sessions?
Now if the issue is with your browser sessions being hijacked you’re being redirected to sites that you don’t know or you’re getting pop-up ads or you’re just getting different pop-ups that you don’t know or you’re not used to then you want to go ahead and clear the cache on your browser itself now if you’re using safari it’s really easy to clear the cache you’re just going to go into your settings you are going to scroll down to the Safari app and then you are going to tap on the clear history and website data make sure that’s highlighted and then just clear all that information out and it.
It actually does a pretty good job of just getting your browser completely back over to your control that way there are no cookies or anything saved within the browser itself now if you’re using Google Chrome or Firefox as your default browser of choice then go through the same process of cleaning your cache and history and website data on those specific browsers.
Can iPhones get viruses after cleaning my browser? No, if there were any viruses that got access due to your browser websites (excluding downloads) then cleaning it will remove the virus.

6. How to Factory Reset?
So, now one of the other steps you can take is just by resetting all your content settings that are in the iPhone itself and you do this also just by going into your settings so it’s going to be iPhone settings > General > then Factory Reset and then you’re going to select the erase all content and settings option reset that would completely reboot your phone. Then give it another shot to see if everything is running as it’s supposed to be if it is then you’re good to go
If it’s not then your next step is probably going to be restoring from a clean backup now you want to make sure that this backup stored is clean and it’s before any of your issues started this is why it’s always a good idea to back up your iPhone because you want to make sure if anything goes wrong you have something clean you can go back to such as iCloud backup that’s not going to cause you any issues.
Can iPhones get viruses after a factory reset? Then it depends on the strength of the virus however, they will be removed by factory reset.

7. Virus Protection for iPhone users
Some other things to protect your iPhone from malicious apps and iPhone viruses are:-
Downloading a secure and well-known antivirus application to protect your iPhone from malicious apps, and dangerous website data, such as McAfee and Norton.
Apps should only be downloaded from the App Store: First and foremost, if you jailbreak your iPhone, you should never download apps from anywhere other than the App Store. Apple verifies that apps in the App Store do not contain viruses or malware. When you download apps from other sources, you increase the chances of downloading a malware-infected programme.
Before installing an app, thoroughly read the app description, reviews, and a number of downloads. The app is less likely to be malware if it has positive, honest reviews and millions of downloads.
Label all potentially malicious emails as spam and avoid clicking on any unauthenticated links in the email’s body.
Can iPhones get viruses after installing an antivirus? No, the firewall of the antivirus will block it from entering your iOS.

Always check your iPhone’s updates from the settings app. This will make sure that your iPhone is always protected by Apple’s latest security updates.
Open your App Store 3-5 times a week to check if any app update is available or not. It would ensure that the apps are running on their latest versions and are secure.
Although if you don’t manage to make any changes, it’s still worth being cautious about the level of access you grant to any apps on your device, particularly if they want to access information unrelated to their functions.
iPhone users should also be cautious of phishing scams, which frequently target iPhone users via text messaging and can be used to steal personal data or even install malware into the user’s iPhone.
To safeguard yourself, never click on links or download attachments from anonymous messages or emails. The links may direct you to phishing sites that appear legitimate on the surface but are designed primarily to steal your private information, and attachments may contain malware.
Unfamiliar apps on your phone apps that you did not download and were not already installed on the stock iPhone can be an indication of an iPhone virus or malicious files.
Never use public Wi-Fi to access your net banking or financial accounts without using a VPN, or virtual private network. Hackers are notoriously skilled at spying on users who rely on public Wi-Fi. These hackers may be able to obtain your passwords or log-in information, allowing them to gain access to your online accounts. If you must use public Wi-Fi, do so only for safety purposes, which include checking the weather, using social media, reading news articles, or any web searches.
Can iPhones get viruses after these precautions? No, there are no loopholes left for viruses to get into your device.
8. Conclusion
So the answer to the question can iPhones get viruses? Yes, iPhones are prone to viruses if not properly used.
Many iPhone users may wonder, despite Apple’s strong security and premium services, if iPhones can get viruses from websites or malicious software from websites or outside sources. It is hoped that after reading the post, you will find it easy to answer these questions.
Now that you know the ways that you can get a virus on your iPhone, you may be sceptical of viruses on your device if you notice any unusual behavior from it.
In this case, you should use the common symptoms by checking the viruses on your iPhone to determine whether your iPhone is infected or not. If you suspect that your iPhone is compromised, get a backup of important files and eliminate the virus or malware from your device by following the steps outlined in – how to get rid of the iPhone virus.
To avoid such virus infections, iOS users should take as many precautionary measures as possible. No matter how secure a platform is, there are still some flaws that can be exploited, and you must close those gaps to keep your device secure and virus-free.
Apple does a lot to protect its users from hacking and malware, but that doesn’t mean you can or should use your iPhone in a way that completely disregards your digital security. Understanding what you can do to preserve your digital privacy online is essential for keeping your iPhone secure and your data safe.
Can iPhones get viruses after updating your device? No, updates make sure that your device is fully secured.
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Last Updated on December 7, 2022 by Laveleena Sharma